In China, communities exist as public institutions serving the neighborhood just like many other countries. However, in cases of Domestic Violence (DV), communities are not actually doing their work. Victims tend to seek help from police no matter how serious it is, and communities do not provide any service that the families need.
Meanwhile, the majority of victims consider it shameful to be involved in DV, and therefore, they do not tend to speak for themselves or seek psychological help.
“NODV” is a service design project that combines systematic optimization and APP design, as well as the design of a little electronic product. By using the “double-diamond” design process, it aims to address the chaotic situation of China’s current relevant service system, from the perspective of the victims who have been affected by the regional and cultural concepts.
Service Design
UX Design
Expertise Areas
It is beyond dispute that domestic violence has become a troublesome and harmful phenomenon globally. The lockdown during the Coronavirus pandemic has aggravated the breakout of DV, as people spend most of their time at home. In China, the current community system has the problem that some components have idle workloads.
In order to have a deeper insight into the process that domestic violence gets nurtured, triggered, and handled, I carried out several interviews to have a better understanding. It’s not easy to find interviewees associated with this topic due to the family privacy concept of Chinese people, particularly the DV victims.
The interviewees included policemen, DV victims and psychologists. Based on the output, I concluded the design challenge into three points: To release the police’s burden beyond their duty, to connect the families and the idle agencies better, and to make victims willing to share their experience.

Insights & HMW
Provide a place to share with those who have the same experience?
Go to their homes so that they do not need to step outside?
Attribute the work of mediation to closer agencies like communities?
Try to find a way to assure the necessity of their presence?
Other agencies:
Make use of communities’ positional advantage and make them bridges between families and other professional institutes/individuals?
Product Design of Instant Help
The way of calling for instant help should be accessed in every part of a house, with an easy way to trigger.
First Trigger: Alarm sound triggered, the community receives the signal of instant help.
Second Trigger: Instant help confirmed, community workers arrive on the scene.

Service Blueprint, System Design & UX Design

This is the most complete project of my bachelor's study in terms of the design process. I used the conventional double diamond process and carried out in-depth user research with multiple stakeholders. Besides, the theme of the project is around community experience and is quite society-based. Therefore, this project basically shows my competence level in User & Society, which might still be intermediate, but is one of the areas that I would prefer to develop in the future.
Regarding the design of user interfaces and the small product, I think they are more about Technology & Realization instead of Creativity & Aesthetics since I did not put much effort into their appearance.